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CyberBoost Platform Design and Implementation
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Utilizing state-of-the-art technology, the platform is designed to be efficient, cost-effective, and transparent, particularly in displaying various levels of trust associated with different digital products and services. This feature is intended to increase public trust in digital products and services by providing a clear, user-friendly interface that allows for easy interpretation of security metrics and compliance with EU regulations such as the CRA, NIS2, and CSA.
As part of this work package:
- Robust Framework: Establish a framework for the accurate identification and categorization of digital products, processes, and services. This enhances transparency regarding scope coverage and compliance obligations driven by CRA, RED-DA, CSA, and NIS2 regulations.
- Technological Integration: Accurately grasp and integrate the diverse technological needs and limitations of each relevant partner. This ensures the platform is versatile, widely accessible, and adaptable.
- CyberBoost SaaS Platform Development: Develop the CyberBoost SaaS platform with an emphasis on real-time dashboard functionalities and innovative cybersecurity conformity assessment and certification processes aligning with CRA, RED-DA, NIS2, and CSA. CyberBoost will interact with all stakeholders involved in conformity assessment and certification processes, including NCCAs, CABs (CB and Labs), NABs, ENISA, vendors, CSIRTs, buyers, and companies within the scope of NIS2.
These components aim to enhance security compliance throughout a digital product’s lifecycle, directly aligning with the overarching project goals.